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A Mustang? Really?

January 29, 2008

I know that I went off on a long post a few weeks back about how the producers of the new Knight Rider had the right to make the new KITT any car they damn well pleased, as long as the story is served. I still agree with that.

That being said… a Mustang was the best they could do?

I know KITT is supposed to be a muscle car as much as a sleek new whatever… but it’s not even that cool-looking. It’s like every other damn Mustang out there, plus the red running lights — and it still has the Mustang racing stripes, which I really hate.

We’ll be watching it, I’m sure, but bah. They didn’t even try.

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  1. Daniel Broadway permalink

    That’s not just any Mustang, Mike. It’s a Shelby. Gah!

  2. Rin permalink

    With the original show, there were so many people flocking into Pontiac dealerships asking for their own KITT, one can almost say that the original show was THE reason why the Pontiac Trans Am was so popular.

    Ford is hoping…. praying really that this show will do the same for them.

    Fat chance.

    And I’m the one who LIKES most Fords, lol.

  3. Master Darksol permalink

    Ford payed the most. That’s what it came down to. Like Ray said.

  4. Dorkman permalink

    Couldn’t they at least not have put on the racing stripes?

    Those are my only two rules for a KITT. Red running lights, and pure black. Black as the NIGHT ITSELF, sirs.

    But no. We get fat white stripes.

    I say again bah.

  5. Rin permalink

    Holy crap I just noticed……

    The steering wheel says “MOMO”

    Aside from that being a nonsensical word that Delilah uses to describe someone who is acting like a tard, that just so happens to be a popular racing wheel manufacturer.

    A little more digging shows that the rims and racing seats are also after market car parts. In other words, this show has produced a KITT that is a rolling ad campaign.

    I’m not trying to bitch out, since in this modern world if you can get sponsorship of your project it means that there is less money YOU have to put into a project. I’m just saying that a little more effort would have INSTANTLY earned the respect of the fan base.


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